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Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to do simple everyday make-up

Now you do online and you look up how to do eye make-up. And normally you come up with something that takes a zillion years, is way too much,or involves things that you don't have.
So this goes in a few steps and should take under five minutes:
1. Eye-liner:
You want to put the eye-liner on in a nice thin line of the bottom of your eye- lid and on the top. You want the top of your eye-lid to be slightly thicker than the bottom, just to emphasize the shape of your eye. (You can apply more, if you have very dark eyes or are going to the club...but never a lot.)
2. Eye-shadow:
You want a thin layer of eye-shadow right about the eye-liner. If you have dark eyes go with a lighter color and if you have light eyes go with a darker color. Do not put tons on and try to blend it in with your finger. Eye-shadow is there is accent, not take over the eye.
3. Mascara:
This is probably the easiest. Get your favorite kind of mascara and hold it at your eye and blink down upon it. Now that seems like a weird technique, but if you do it that way you get the natural action of your eyes. for the bottom just put it on without blinking to make them look extremely long. Do not over do it, they will look chunky.
4. Lips:
Put on some lip gloss with a little shimmer. Try to just go for shimmer and not color so that it looks more natural. And if you're going out use a lot of shimmery lip gloss.
5. Powder:
Now you only use this when you really want to impress people. It doesn't matter if you have acne and want to cover it up. Make-up only makes acne worst and makes your face look weird when covering pimples. When you do use it, barely use it. You want your skin to look natural and not like flour. Just apply lightly on entire face (not just on problem areas) and you're done!
So that's the easy way! 4-5 steps of pure ease!

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